First off - I'm not really whining or crying......I know busting the packs is a gamble, so I'm fine with that.
Just you see all the big pull threads and I figure I can't be the only person that's been bent over seemingly every pack they open........sometimes it can be cathartic to commiserate amongst one another.

So I've spent somewhere between 600k - 1m spread out over the past couple haul.....
1 95 + Robbie Gould
that's it.
Only other noteables......
Fantasy Orton
and I did pull 4 playoff cards, which was nice, but they were all of the common variety...
Garcon, Mendenhall, Tomlinson, Olsen
As bad as that is.....sadly someones probably had it if that's the case - feel free to share.

The only thing that id make me a bit upset.....was a week or so ago when Josh or Donny (forget which) said we didn't need a promo because there was little difference between ult/plat weekend and juiced packs..........well I have to call total B.S. on that.
At this point I think 90% of any cards I have work anything were pulled during those couple weekends........from my experience this weekends promo falls into the "better than nothing" category.....oh well.
|||let everyone else do the pulling ive spent 200k this weekend on packs and meybe 900k this weekend.
cant wait till promo inflation is over and i can sell aaron rogers and harison|||yea, other than T suggs PO x2, robbie gold, thats it, nothing with any value what so ever|||The only notable cards I pulled were PB Justin Smith before he started going for minimum and Fantasy Maclin that I sold for 70k. Other than that, playoff cards like Tomlinson and Shields that I sent straight to the collection. Didn't spend as much as you, probably around 300k, but that was pretty much all I had. Oh well.|||nope im having a great weekend! pulled about half a million and got...
PB Mega
PB Wake
Fantasy AP
PO Mangold
awesome weekend for me so far
|||I got a playoff mendenhall and sam shields through 600k|||great week end bro...after 1.5mil
gold revis
gold beason
gold gates
gold aso
gold brandon marshall
entire playoff collection
plus 3 more mangold 4 more harrison and 2 more aaron rodgers
pb evans
pb witten
pb ware
pb joe thomas
|||2 mill spent, i got a legendary haynseworth (trade)(sold fo 1mil), Playoff Rodgers,Playoff Fitz, Gold Wayne (sold for 140k), Playoff Suggs, Pro Bowl Peppers, PB Evans, PB Witten, Gold Witten x2, PB Dielman, x4 3.0 mccourty's. i did pretty well|||i spent around 500-600k...havent got * in gold cards, think ive only got a robbie gould and robert mathis in 95's, none higher. i did get a PB beason, ray lewis, and peppers and i got playoff rodgers and suggs so not a complete loss.|||
Hey - you guys that pulled all the great cards aren't supposed to be posting here.

jk that's cool you guys got lucky.
To the others....sorry you got the shaft as well......but it does feel better knowing that I wasn't the only one.
The only good thing at this point is I got Grubbs and Ratliff for pretty now I'm 2 silver players away from completing the Auburn collection. They'll be a pain to fine.....but at least if I do find them I can afford them with the small amount of coins I have left. Then be back up to 300k.
Or if I can ever find Edwards and Graham that's another 200k.
Guess it's back to bronze and silver grinding.
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